Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I love a certain song by Misty Edwards.  I'm going to try and remember it to the best of my ability. I don't want to take the time to look it up just now while this is on my heart.  But the words are something like: "It's the inside outside upside down kingdom where you die to live and you lose to gain" I was pondering the word mandate just now-a word that I really started hearing a few days ago pertaining to a personal situation in my life.  I looked up the word and my favorite definition, the one I think applies to me is, "an order from a higher court or official to a lower one".  See, I feel that God has given me a mandate to stay home and pursue being a homemaker.  So if God has given this mandate to me, then He will be faithful to meet our needs, especially through finances.  It would make sense to go to work and earn extra money for the surgery that we are praying for. It would make sense for me to go back to work now that we are being threatened with court and possible child support.  But my God doesn't always work in what makes sense to us. If He has given me this mandate, He will provide for my needs.  And if I try to use what makes sense then I will miss the blessing He has for me and I think probably we still wouldn't have the finances needed as well.  God plus me is majority.  I would hate to be the person who goes against God's mandate. Just sit back and watch my God work in this situation.  I believe in miracles!


  1. Increase our faith Lord. Even when wecannot see, so that we may rest in you . Awesome Jerrie. I love to read your blogs!

  2. :-) "we are believers, that's who we are and that's what we do" I was just at a woman's conference and one of the speakers said that!!! I am in agreement with you!
